Where happy pets stay


Our animal care facilities were built with pet care excellence in mind.  Your pet’s accommodations are set on a 16 acre location in Columbia, Maryland. Our well ventilated pet areas include skylights and picture windows for sunshine and entertainment. We don’t skimp on creature comforts including outside patios, mood music, fresh water setups and mid-afternoon biscuit breaks. We even offer family suites and enlarged accommodations for larger pet families.

Preston Country Club for For Pets facility is listed in Mario Migliorini’s Kennel Building and Management, considered by some to be the quintessential kennel compendium. Preston Country Club for Pets is listed under “Innovative Kennels.”

Migliorini describes the facility:

“. . . cheerfully illuminated by skylights . . .”

“. . . Spacious exercise yards literally surround the kennel. . .””. . . The center of the kennel, which contains the kitchen and the boarders’ grooming and bathing facilities, is utilized as a work area so that the animals are never isolated from the staff. . . “

Preston Country Club for Pets Facilities

  1. 110′ X 15′ yard, built-up stone dust
  2. 85′ X 18′ yard, built-up stone dust
  3. 65′ X 15′ yard, built-up stone dust
  4. 48′ X 18′ yard, built-up stone dust
  5. suspended lumite shadecloth
  6. shade awnings in 65′ X 25′ concrete yard
  7. security yards
  8. double decked 4′ X 5′ cages
  9. single cages, 4′ X 7’6″
  10. food preparation area
  11. grooming area in kennel
  12. pet shuttle loading area
  13. concrete entrance
  14. file room
  15. kennel office and reception area
  16. kitchenette
  17. rest room
  18. full bath
  19. lunchroom
  20. laundry

A schematic of Preston Country Club for Pets Facilities